Daily departures
In Tallinn-Helsinki-Tallinn lanes you can send parcels daily. Departures on both lanes every working day.
Fast deliveries
In Tallinn and Helsinki areas parcels are delivered to destination the next working day. More distant destinations deliveries on day after next day. (excl. dangerous goods)
Dangerous Goods
Turn to us if you need to ship goods that are classified as dangerous goods in road transport or shipping. Our drivers have necessary qualifications and our trucks meet the qualifications. (excl. explosives and fuels)
All shapes and sizes
For us it does not matter if you want to ship small parcel or warehouse full of goods. We can find the best solution for both small shipments as well as partial and full loads.
Did you know?
Delays and confusion are more common the more parties are involved in the supply chain. i.e. Distribution centers, different forwarding agents etc. To avoid this kind of confusion we in Navaka manage the full supply chain by ourselves from start to finish. In addition all our trucks are equipped with GPS trackers. That enables us to know:
- when your cargo was shipped;
- where it is located any given moment;
- when will it arrive in destination.